The Hold Me Tight Workshop is specifically designed for couples to build intimacy and emotional connection, understand negative patterns that cause conflict, and restore and transform their relationship. At the workshop, you will identify the destructive cycle you are in, and get to the root of the real issues so you can learn to move past initial reactions and understand what your partner is really trying to communicate.
“The key to restoring connection is, first, interrupting and dismantling these destructive sequences and then actively constructing a more emotionally open and receptive way of interacting, one in whcih partners feel safe confiding their hidden fears and longings” – Sue Johnson
We would highly recommend this workshop for any couple who is looking to take their realtionship deeper. This workshop helped us recognize the patterns we get into during conflict and that awareness has helped us change our overall understanding of each other.
At first we were very unsure about attending a workshop with other couples, but we are so glad we did! One of the best things we experienced during our weekend workshop was recognizing that we are not alone in some of our relational experiences. Hearing from other participants, watching the vidoes and hearing the presenter was so helfpul for normalizing our experiences. If you’re on the fence, please just go. I promise you’ll benefit and so will your relationship!
Do it! It was better than I expected, and very helfpul.
Attend and go for it, [it’s] worth your while.
Just do it.
The investment is a small price to pay for the overall return, as having a better more fulfilling relationship is priceless.
We’ve done couples therapy before and appreciated what we learned during that time. We weren’t sure what else we would learn during a weekend intensive but we were so grateful we went anyway! We walked away with knowing how and why we get sucked into conflict cycles, a better understanding of our own emotions and how those show up in almost all of our conflict, and finally tangible ways to get out of that conflict when emotions are high.
Understand the root causes of conflict
Identify what is under the surface for you and your partner when conflict occurs, and understand the story you tell yourself, and how it affects your connection to your partner.
Change Interactions
Change negative patterns that keep you feeling frustrated and disconnected from your partner
Heal and repair old wounds and hurts
Heal from wounds that you may have carried for years, repair the damage that has been done, and restore a sense of safety to the relationship
Establish new ways to engage
Learn new ways to communicate with your partner, become accessible to your partner and deepen the emotional and physical connection with your partner.
Our Hold Me Tight Couples Workshop is for couples who are struggling to move past the arguments, who feel perpetually disconnected or lonely in their relationship, as well as for couples who are in a good place, but are looking to take their relationship to the next level. The materials presented and the concepts of Hold Me Tight are applicable to all stages of relationships, and couples of any age.
This is not your average workshop! No boring content, no speaking at you – or just telling you what to do. This workshop will engage you start to finish, offer new perspectives and helpful techniques that you can implement immediately, and provide you with opportunities to practice these skills in-the-moment alone with your partner.
Hold Me Tight the workshop for couples was created by Dr. Sue Johnson, a therapist, researcher, author and developer of Emotionally Focused Therapy. Dr. Sue Johnson is also the founder of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT). “EFT is recognized by the American Psychological Association as empirically proven.” ( )”Hold Me Tight®” is a registered trademark to Sue Johnson.