Marriage & Family Counseling Center (MFCC) offers couples a safe, empathetic and non-judgmental environment where they can improve their relationship, work through issues or hurdles they may have difficulty moving past or find healing and restoration. MFCC does not claim that counseling will cure all, but when couples are open to working on their issues and realize the immense benefit of talking about their emotions and feelings, they often experience a greater emotional connection and a more satisfying relationship overall.
“Timing is an essential element in whether marriage counseling works. Unfortunately, most couples wait much too long to reach out for help repairing their marriage. Couples wait an average of six years of being unhappy before getting help. Think about this statistic for a few minutes. Couples have six years to build up resentment before they begin the important work of learning to resolve differences in effective ways.”
– Dr. John Gottman
MFCC offers counseling for couples in various stages of life that encompasses a wide array of issues couples normally face. Whatever place couples find themselves, MFCC tailors sessions to specifically target and address those needs. Click the links below to see more of how MFCC can help.
**Please note that that MFCC counselors are NOT court appointed mediators.
**Counseling is not the best immediate or appropriate step if domestic violence, psychological, emotional or mental abuse is currently present in the relationship. If MFCC determines these issues are present and we are not the best option for your situation, our counselors will be able to help you determine other steps or resources that best fit your situation.